As people grow older, they begin to find ways to be more productive and make use of their time. For senior citizens, in particular, they find that there is even more time they need to utilize and want to do so effectively. Many will go out and find other jobs while others will pursue hobbies […]
Every year, the American Heart Association celebrates Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and heart health. What you may not know is that martial arts are great for the heart. In fact, the cardiac benefits of martial arts give a whole new meaning to the idea of cardiovascular fitness. With that in mind, […]
Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]
As we approach the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving, it’s a time when I like to stop and reflect on the meaning of Thankfulness. I often wonder, how do other families celebrate this American Holiday? Do you start out at a food pantry giving out food to homeless? Perhaps around the television watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving […]
Most people wait until the end of December to reflect on the year that has past, but for me September is almost like the start of my new year. Last year at this time, I was unemployed (or, what I like to call on “corporate hiatus”), and super LOST. Not because I didn’t have a […]
CHANGE. What a word! What comes to your mind when you think of change? Change your clothes Change your job Change your food Change your body Change your mind Change your thinking Change your LIFE! When I think of the word change, the first thing that pops into my mind is a butterfly. I know, […]
Martial Arts is great for anyone at any age. If you are over 40 and looking for a new hobby, exercise program, or just something exciting to jump into, Martial Arts may be one of the best activities to consider. Whether it is Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Kung Fu, training in Martial […]
10 Characteristics of a Martial Arts Super Mom All moms are super. (Check out our video on 2 Super Moms) After all, they have the toughest job of them all – raising today’s youth. While every mom is special in her own way, there is something quite impressive about a martial arts super mom. The […]
For most of us, Dad will always be our very first hero. And why not? Dad taught us how to ride a bike, carried us high upon his shoulders, and came to our rescue anytime we were in trouble. Training in the martial arts, however, can transform Dad from our first hero to an everyday […]
5 Reasons Why Training Martial Arts Is The Best New Year Resolution By John Wai Introduction So many people have new years resolutions and for a large percentage, this involves losing weight or getting a fit body. If you have a resolution to get into shape this year but you are sick of the same […]