Kung Fu Panda is an animated martial arts trilogy released by Dreamworks. The protagonist, Po, is a seemingly untalented martial arts enthusiast who accidentally finds himself chosen to be ‘The Dragon Warrior,’ a prophetic hero who must save the community.
His training journey is one we can all relate to. He struggles with balance, coordination, striking, blocking, eating appropriately, getting beaten easily by more experienced students, feeling overwhelmed, and often defeated. However, in the end, he rises to his full potential, reminding all of us that the journey is just as important as the destination.
Martial arts is more than just a workout; it is also a mindset. If you are interested in trying BJJ, Muay Thai, or Wing Chun, you can expect to learn more than just techniques.
Here are our top 3 lessons from Kung Fu Panda that apply to all martial arts:
Presence is Paramount: “You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.”
Due to its very nature, martial arts practice not only encourages but often creates presence. Whether it’s striking or grappling, every discipline comprises specific techniques that require the student’s full attention. When we give our full attention to one thing, we become fully immersed in it, and ultimately, this is presence. When we focus only on the given moment, we are in a state similar to meditation. Martial arts practice allows us to experience this feeling every time we attend a class.
Leave Your Comfort Zone: “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.”
Martial arts challenge us to push beyond our comfort zone and break the boundaries we believe to exist. Under the instructor’s guidance, we learn to do things that we previously thought were out of reach. This could be securing a submission, landing a strike, or even just completing the warm-up without needing a break. Regardless of where you are starting from, martial arts offer a safe and encouraging environment in which to do this. Not only will you learn to push yourself during class, but you will also be able to apply that same skill outside of class. Students can develop a healthy relationship with failure, feedback, and doing “the impossible.”
Self Belief Changes Everything: “Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.”
Believing you can do something is half the battle. Often our minds have defeated us before any other external circumstance. Martial arts training teaches us how to deal with our inner voice and utilize it to overcome our challenges. Small wins every day add up to significant results down the line; by conquering our fears, we develop belief and confidence in ourselves and our abilities even on a small scale. To overcome anything, we must first believe that it is possible to do so; martial arts is a great way to develop this skill.
Whether you are interested in adult martial arts or children’s martial arts, we have a class for you here in our gym located in Plantation, Florida. Learn self-defense, build your confidence, lose weight, get fit, and train with like-minded people in our martial arts community. Whatever your ability, gender, age, or size, you are capable of unleashing your inner Dragon Warrior too.
For more information on how martial arts can change your life, visit John Wai Martial Arts in Plantation: www.JohnWaiMartialArts.com 954.382.2228
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