As we approach the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving, it’s a time when I like to stop and reflect on the meaning of Thankfulness. I often wonder, how do other families celebrate this American Holiday? Do you start out at a food pantry giving out food to homeless? Perhaps around the television watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade? Ladies, maybe we are gearing up in the kitchen preparing our tasty meal for our lovely families? Gentleman, maybe you are getting ready to throw that turkey on awaiting time with football and the boys? Or perhaps if you a real thrill seeker running in the Turkey Trot with your smaller ones?
Hmm, I love to listen to other people and the way they celebrate Thanksgiving. For me, I can say that my husband and I gather our friends over and have a delicious meal before watching and for me snoozing on the couch in the afternoon while football is playing. (And perhaps I’m gearing up for the biggest shopping day of the year. LOL) (Side note: Don’t forgot our special Holiday class on Black Friday and best deals of the season) However, one thing comes to mind each year. What are you truly thankful for?
The one thing I have to say this Thanksgiving that I’m so Thankful for are the people I’ve met over these past few months working at John Wai Martial Arts Academy. In my last blog, I posted about change. How easy did I think that was going to be transitioning from one role to a new one? Not as easy as I thought. BUT what I’m so grateful for, the people, my team, #FAMILY, I would like to call them, who have been there for me through the ups and downs, the smiles, and the tears. (Also, my amazing husband who is standing beside me through it all…)
The past few months has allowed for me to see that Time allows people to heal, to change, to learn, and to grow. No matter what’s going on the inside, time keeps going. I’m so THANKFUL for the last few months, and how not only has my TEAM been there, also the students at John Wai Martial Arts. What a wonderful group of dedicated hard workers, aging from 3 all the way to 12. Getting to know these kiddos, and their amazing families, has been a true blessing. Also, to all the wonderful girls (lady ninjas) that train here, my heart is so happy each time you walk into the studio. You ALL are special, and if you don’t know that by now, in TIME you will.
For the wonderful OVERDRIVE people who have committed the last eight weeks of their lives getting up early with the insane Osei, well, KUDDOS to you and your determination. Yes, TIME again has allowed for change in you. Each of you are special, and I hope that you know how inspiring each of you are. From listening to your stories, ranging from different jobs to families and incorporating time to finish this camp strong, seeing your perseverance, what a wonderful group of people!
So now I’m running out of room, and time (well for now), until next TIME, we hope you all have a very safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Enjoy the TIME TOGETHER!
From our team, #FAMILY, to yours….