10 Characteristics of a Martial Arts Super Mom
All moms are super. (Check out our video on 2 Super Moms)
After all, they have the toughest job of them all – raising today’s youth.
While every mom is special in her own way, there is something quite impressive about a martial arts super mom. The moms who train in martial arts are transformed into modern day powerhouses of confidence and strength.
And that’s not all.
Here are 10 characteristics of a martial arts super mom to inspire your super side!
Her Heart Is Healthy
Research has shown repeatedly that physical activity is the only real way to improve cardiovascular health. There may be no better complete workout than martial arts. Super moms with robust cardiovascular systems have stronger hearts and lungs, increased bone density, and reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer.
Her Mood Is Happier
Regular physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your mood. Physical activity releases endorphins responsible for positive feelings. These happy, natural chemicals can remain active for hours after exercising. Martial arts is a fantastic workout where training quickly gets the endorphins flowing, making super mom a happy mom!
Her Patience Is Perfect
Ok, her patience may not be perfect, but it has definitely begun to shine through. Patience is a prerequisite of becoming a strong student in martial arts. As super mom trains, she learns to be less impulsive and instead relies more on situational awareness. By slowing down, she more easily sizes up the challenges in front of her to find the best approach in finding success. Outside the studio, patience really does become a virtue, making super mom a positive force with those she interacts with every day.
Her Muscles Are Toned
Martial arts are a balance between fast-paced action and controlled movement. The combination can significantly increase the amount of muscle mass super mom has. The result of regular training is a toned, fit body. And, with more muscle comes a higher metabolic rate, allowing super mom to burn more calories every day!
Her Focus Is Formidable
Martial arts are as much about mental strength as it is physical prowess. Training requires a laser-like focus in body control. Regulating breathing and becoming fully aware of one’s surroundings are critical for martial arts success. Honing the ability of self-awareness and focus may have the greatest impact outside the studio. With improved focus, super mom is able to tame the most difficult tasks from beginning to end.
Her Lifestyle Is Healthier
Training in martial arts helps super moms meet their physical activity goals. But, the health benefits extend well outside of the studio. Eating habits generally improve as your body regulates eating signals better. Sleep also usually improves as exercise helps relax the body and the mind. More water is consumed when training, helping to flush toxins out of your body. All of these health benefits are key in making martial arts super moms!
Her Social Circle Is Bigger
It is not always easy for adults to find new friends who share the same interests and goals. Too often, we become friends out of convenience rather than by choice. Co-workers and other parents filled our friend bucket. However, when joining a martial art, you are making the decision to join a group of individuals who are looking to improve themselves both mentally and physically. Having a similar goals and overcoming challenges together creates bonds only found within martial arts and friendships that can last a lifetime.
Her Flexibility Is Fantastic
Martial arts is truly a complete workout. Critical to training is a focus on stretching. Improved flexibility provides for a wider range of motion and ability to maximize each punch, kick, and throw. More importantly, greater flexibility can reduce the likelihood of injury. For super moms, this means the not only become better martial artists, but better at other physical activities as well!
Her Confidence Is Colossal
Life is full of challenges. How super mom approaches obstacles can mean the difference between her successfully meeting the challenge and falling short. Martial arts constantly present new hurdles to overcome. Some hurdles may seem too high to cross. But, every time she tries and succeeds, her confidence grows. Layer upon confident layer is put down, building a foundation that allows super mom to take on tasks once thought impossible!
Her Reflexes Are Remarkable
Reflexes are important in everyday life. From maintaining balance to avoiding danger, the speed at which super mom responds after training in the martial arts improves. The ability to quickly react and act can save someone from severe injury. Consider riding a bicycle or running near a busy road. Quick reflexes allow us to move swiftly out of harm’s way. Moreover, super mom will be much better on the field or court when participating in her favorite sport!
Creating Today’s Super Moms
Martial arts can make anyone super! Improving both the mind and body, training in martial arts can be a transformative experience. Check out some of our Plantation super moms for yourself: SUPER MOMS VIDEO If you are ready for the challenge in creating a better, stronger, and more focused, visit our Plantation Martial Arts Academy. Martial arts might be the pathway that makes you super!